Current Format of Jobs

Why the Current Format of Jobs will vanish?

1) The Economy seeks productivity to grow

2) Time Saved for the same result is productivity

3) Till a year ago the most productive system was an organization of people working under a single roof called a corporate or a company

4) Although technology had been there even before the Pandemic struck us, human instinct of wanting to be in control prevented companies to let go and decentralize management

5) Also the fact that the top leadership owing to their higher age and inherent discomfort with technology and new work culture change opportunities were in denial and hence were delaying the inevitable

6) So although the webinar platforms were available they were grossly under used

7) People still travelled long distances and spent several hours for a short 2 hour meeting. The time and travel cost eventually made solutions and products more expensive. Today if Corporates don’t change they will have to cede the opportunity to a lean entrepreneur who will deploy the forces of tech automation

8) Till the Pandemic hit us Corporates kept procrastinating as it felt better and made them feel that they were in control. They inherently believed that when employees are home they will not work and surveillance would be impossible. This assumption has been turned on its head due to the Pandemic

9) Some technology companies were evolving but the overal Corporate Culture was of control and distrust

10) The Pandemic forced this Social Experiment upon us and suddenly it got proven that being geography agnostic was the most productive decision for growth of businesses

11) The compounding effect of man hours saved contributed in compounding proportion to the organization outcomes

12) TCS and Unilever and many have declared a permanent shift in work philosophy

13) Remote working is here to stay

14) Employees have been asked to go home wherever they belong

15) It is inevitable that employees will be transformed into consultants

16) An employee gets paid for his time and a consultant for his skill and outcome

17) Clearly Corporate India is over staffed under the new geography agnostic work rules and jobs will vanish in 2021. The ugly decisions of firing was just held back due to the Pandemic situation lest it made the Corporate world and brands look heartless and lose brand value. Many such decisions will be rolled out in 2021

18) The Digital Ecosystem with Cloud Based Productive Tools, Direct Connect with people through Social Media unleashes huge productivity

19) What a team of 100 was accomplishing in a physical ecosystem can be accomplished by less than 10 people in a Digital Ecosystem

20) The old Distribution Model of having an army of employees and distributors is being replaced by the new model of Hub, Automation, Digital Payment and Digital Delivery or Automated Delivery

21) The 50% useful and 50% waste marketing and advertising model is being replaced by Artificial Intelligence based zero or minimal leakage marketing models.

22) Google Search is the model that captures your intention and imagination and delivers it to you at the lowest cost and at the highest quality by the use of cookies that track you like a guided missile

23) Sampling has become almost free and the only thing that metters is to have the list or details of people

24) Once people are in my hub they can be nurtured into life time customers ( and the thing to be noted is “MY” can be a corporate or an individual )

25) The Corporate advantage of having the wherewithal to scale up is fading in favour of small players with tech support

26) The new structure is a network of efficient entrepreneurs who are fulfilling needs more and more efficiently

27) The days of jobs and career paths is quickly falling apart and the opportunities of being atmanirbhar entrepreneur is opening up

28) The faster we accept the better for us

29) The new Billionaires don’t come with family or brand pedigree. They only come with new ideas. There will be many rags to riches stories in the days to come

30) There’s no space for leakage any longer. What will work now is helping people save time, providing them better quality of life, health, environment, happiness and purpose