The Power of Time

The Power of Time

1) While we are obsessed with expanding wealth, is it possible to expand the real wealth of life which is time

2) All of us have been given the same amount of time (24 hours a day)

3) However, those who make the best use of their time enhance their Productivity

4) So they do more work or bring more value per unit time and thus achieve more in their life time

5) Thus if there are 2 friends who each live for 80 years, it is possible one actually achieved so much that his life was worth 800 years while the other did next to nothing and lived a life worth 8 years

6) So how does one make the most of his or her time

8) Some techniques are popular while some are new approaches

9) Dividing work into Urgent and Important is a classical theory

10) Focusing on important work (both urgent and non urgent)

11) Allocating at least 80%  time for such work which are important (both urgent and non urgent)

12) Non urgent and non important work should be dropped or allocated very little time

13) Urgent and Non Important work should be delegated (paying bills and other payments and operational jobs like client queries around the usual things)

14) These are rules which we kind of know but in case we don’t one needs to make a note

15) But what is interesting is to assign work based on the time of the day

16) Energy is a key component of work and Energy starts depleting as the day goes by

17) So Time as Energy is a key concept here that one needs to keep in mind

18) Most important and thinking work like writing a presentation should be in the morning when the mind is in fresh mode and has tons of energy

19) As the day goes by one can focus on other important things like health (exercises ) and learning (reading a book/ going through a course)

20) As the day goes by one can focus on less energy sapping work like taking the reporting of business numbers and holding meetings with clients which though important are less energy sapping as the load on concentration and focus is relatively low. At the same time during the day energy levels are fairly good to handle such work

21) Towards the end of the day the energy levels are low and one should move to non important work like making calls to friends and relatives, watching a movie or listening to music

22) Time Management works best with Energy Management

23) Next time when you plan work do classify wirk into urgent and important but also be mindful of scheduling the work based on the time of the day and energy levels