The Price of Opportunity
How we lose in life without knowing
1) Imagine you are 40 years old and a great opportunity has come you way
2) It is a great entrepreneurship opportunity which you have been dreaming of all the while
3) But you have to let it pass
4) It is your EMI and you are not sure whether you will be able to manage it if you let go off your high paying job
5) Likewise take another case
6) You are a doctor at 50 and have got an opportunity to be part of an NGO to work on your dream project
7) But because you have high paying job in a hospital and big expenses to meet you allow it to pass
8) Life throws opportunities all along
9) But instead of grabbing them, we allow opportunities to pass by because we have always seen Investment & Savings as a fixed long distance gigantic reward and not a flow like how flow of water quenches our thirst daily
10) Opportunity Cost is life’s biggest Risk because it is extremely painful when we later realise what we lost by allowing the opportunity to pass
11) That Entrepreneurship Opportunity of building a business may just have become one of the Biggest Businesses of whose you had an opportunity to become a co-founder had you followed your heart
12) The period of life between 25 and 40 is a period of Learning and Acquiring Skills
13) However, the period between 40 and 50 is the period that offers life’s best opportunities
14) But we are so much deep in debt (EMIs) and other liabilities like Children Education funding etc, we often blow away our biggest dream desire (our main purpose of life)
15) Losing the potential of the period between 40 and 50 is life’s ultimate tragedy
16) The only way to overcome this challenge is by the Process of Professional Money Management
17) Professional Money Management is a combination of having knowledge about life and goals, nature of money and it’s growth potential & the role of inflation over time & finally strategies that create healthy cash flows
18) Imagine at 40, you are assured of cash flow to support your lifestyle for the rest of your life
19) When the stress of life management is outsourced to your investment corpus we can say our mind is in a state of flow
20) This means that the mind can conceive the path to your purpose and your money freedom provides the fuel to step into and complete the journey
21) Unless you prepare your money journey at the beginning of your career when you are about 25 to 30 years of age, you are likely to become a victim of opportunity cost
22) This is a key messages for today’s youth
23) I rest my case