

Very common word but usually not understood. Let me try and fix this.

When a man is poor and struggling to make ends meet, his goals are Food, Shelter and Clothing.

At this stage Vision is not born.

However, as people grow richer, their spends can’t keep pace and real wealth formation is seen to take place.

Let’s say a good standard of living is Rs 2 lac per month and earnings are Rs 5 lac per month. That leaves Rs 3 lac every month and when this gets compounded wealth proliferates.

When you ask rich people why they are accumulating so much, their answer is for old age or a rainy day.

Once you prove it that the wealth they have is sufficient for old age worries then the common refrain is “I am creating wealth for my children”.

All these explanations is pure humbug and perhaps an unintended lie.

This common situation is just a manifestation of a life without a vision.

Because once a man has attained Financial Freedom, which guarantees enough money for life, all the additional wealth created represents the fuel for “Vision”

But the problem is that we have More Wealth and Less Vision.

Wealth must never be allowed to aimlessly overflow. And only a “Vision” can channelize wealth in the right direction

“Vision” is nothing but An Audacious Goal Beyond the Need of Self.

It is a Goal that can Change Society, Lives, State, Nation and even the World.

Some examples of vision

1) Building an institution for enhancing the quality of health or education etc.

2) Bringing down the cost of health care, education, entertainment and welfare goods etc. so that society at large can equally get access

3) Eradicating diseases from face of earth

“Vision” will always demand Capital but “Vision” will always Return Capital a Billion times over.