The CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERCM credential is the most desired and respected global certification for those seeking to demonstrate their commitment to competent and ethical financial planning practice.
CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERCM professionals meet initial and ongoing education, experience and professional development requirements, pass a rigorous exam that assesses competency, and adhere to a code of ethics, pledging to provide financial planning in the interests of clients and with the highest ethical and professional standards.
As of 1 April 2019, CFPCM certification program is recognised in 27 countries and territories around the world, representing a global CFP professional community of 192,000+ at the end of 2020 (with 1,989 CFP professionals in India).
Meet Your Trainer - Jitendra Pol - CFPCM
27+ years of Experience in Teaching & Training thousands of students & professionals.

- M.COM. (Advance Accountancy & Taxation)
- MA (Economics with Finance)
- MBA (Finance & Marketing)
- Certified Financial Planner (FPSB, USA)
- NISM Certified Research Analyst
- NCFM Certified Technical Analyst
- NISM Certified Investment Advisor (X-A)
- NISM Certified Investment Advisor (X-8)
- NCFM Certified Capital Markets (Dealers) Module
- NISM Certified Portfolio Management Services (Distributors Module)
- AMFI Certified Mutual Fund Distributor
- IRDAI Certified Insurance Advisor
- NISM Certified Equity Derivatives Module
- NISM Certified Common (Equity, Currency & Interest Rates) Derivatives Certification A
Key Benefits of CFP certification
The Values and Benefits of CFP Certification
CFP certification benefits consumers, practitioners and financial services firms in a variety of ways.
FPSB Ltd. partnered with Cerulli Associates to survey more than 3,500 CFP professionals in six territories around the world about the benefits of pursuing CFP certification. Those practitioners said that after receiving their CFP certification:
- Among those seeking to advance their careers, 37% earned a promotion, got a new job or started their own practice.
- 57% reported growing their client base in the 12 months following their certification.
- 63% saw their income grow in the 12 months following their certification.
- 72% reported increased satisfaction with their careers.
- 87% expected to be able to keep clients longer.
FPSB Ltd.’s international study conducted with 92 financial services firms in 12 territories showed why the majority of firms plan to grow their number of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professionals:
- 59% of firms reported that employing CFP professionals led to fewer client complaints.
- 69% of firms reported that employing CFP professionals lowered corporate risk.
- 69% of firms reported that CFP professionals have a higher rate of growth of assets under management.
- 76% of firms found that employing CFP professionals led to increased client retention.
- 79% of firms plan to grow the number of CFP professionals.
- 84% of firms said employing CFP professionals had a positive impact on client satisfaction within the firm.
CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERCM professionals are trusted financial professionals who work with individuals and families to develop practical, easy-to-understand solutions for every stage of life. FPSB Ltd.’s research with more than 19,000 consumers worldwide showed:
- Those who work with a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professional feel more strongly confident about their financial situation than those managing their own finances or working with a different type of financial adviser.
Consumers who have a written, comprehensive plan are nearly three times more likely to feel strongly confident about achieving their life goals.
Pathway to CFPCM Certification

FPSB® Investment Planning Specialist
The FPSB® Investment Planning Specialist course prepares you to develop strategies to help clients optimize their risk profile, financial capacity and constraints. The course covers topics that include types of securities; investment theory and practice; portfolio construction and management; investment strategies and tactics; and securities laws and regulatory compliance.
The FPSB Investment Planning Specialist course has been developed for university-level students, investment professionals seeking additional education, and financial services practitioners in insurance, tax, etc. seeking investment and personal financial management knowledge

FPSB® Retirement and Tax Planning Specialist
FPSB® Retirement and Tax Planning Specialist course prepares you to develop strategies to help clients optimize their wealth accumulation and cash flow leading up to and during retirement, and to advise on the role of tax planning in supporting client goals.
The course teaches you to consider your clients’ personal financial goals, risk tolerance and risk capacity, asset locations, the structure and impact of public and private retirement plans, and how taxation will affect your clients’ financial situation and goals.

FPSB® Risk and Estate Planning Specialist
The FPSB® Risk and Estate Planning Specialist education materials and exam are intended for university-level students, insurance and estate planning professionals and related financial professionals seeking additional knowledge to serve individual clients. A required step toward obtaining the CFPCM certification is passing the education and exam for this track.
This provides a solid foundation of risk management, insurance planning and estate planning through real-life scenarios and examples. The FPSB Ltd. material and exam exposes you to a universal curriculum with India-specific tailoring.
Specialist Course (All 3 Modules) - Exam Details
Only Upon successful completion of the Training for a Specialist course, whether through an FPSB Authorised Education Partner or self-paced education course or through recognition of prior learning, students will be able to sit for the FPSB Specialist exam.
Specialist Course Exam Details
- 75 multiple-choice questions (4 possible answer choices)
- Computer-based testing format
- Duration – two hours
- Financial calculators permitted (data must be erased)
- Excel not allowed
There will be two possible marks: correct, with points allotted; or incorrect, for zero points. Students will not have points deducted (referred to as ‘negative marking’).
Students have three years from date of enrollment with FPSB Ltd. to complete the education course and pass the exam.

FPSB® Integrated Financial Planning course, financial plan assessment and the CFPCM exam
Completing the FPSB Integrated Financial Planning course and passing the exam is a required step toward obtaining CFPCM certification in India.
The CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERCM certification is intended for professionals seeking comprehensive financial planning knowledge. Financial planning is the process of developing strategies to help people manage their financial affairs to meet life goals, and considers all aspects of a client’s financial situation. In this course, students will learn to create financial plans and apply their knowledge from all courses.
Aligned to the Financial Planning Process
- Establish and define the relationship with the client
- Collect the client’s information
- Analyze and assess the client’s financial status
- Develop the financial planning recommendations and present them to the client
- Implement the client’s financial planning recommendations
- Review the client’s situation
FPSB Integrated Financial Planning Course Exam Details
Upon successful completion of all three Specialist exams, candidates will be able to register for the Integrated Financial Planning course, and after the assessment of their submitted financial plan, they would be eligible to sit for the final CFP exam.
The exam assesses the level of knowledge, skill and ability needed to earn the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERCM credential, including the functions of collection, analysis and synthesis (detailed further below). Each question on the exam focuses primarily on a specific element of competency for the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERCM professionals Competency Profile as per (Appendix A) including integration across several competencies.
- The exam is 3 hours long
- The exam consists of two sections
- The exam is a multiple-choice format; each question has four possible answer choices, one of which is clearly the best choice
- Computer-based testing format
- Spreadsheets with financial functions shall be available apart from financial calculators (once data is erased)
Duration of the CFPCM Course
Duration: 8 to 12 Months (Minimum 200 hours plus training)
Mode of Training: Virtual Live Training
Attendance: Minimum 75% Attendance Compulsory to be Eligible for FPSB Exam
For more details, please get in touch!
Malathi: 9824644888
Chetna Solanki: 7016231598

Attend the Free Orientation Session on Career Scopes in Personal Finance Industry
At the End of Orientation Session Participate in the Online Test and Score Minimum 50% Marks
Pay the Admission Confirmation Fees of Rs. 1995 + GST Which will be Adjusted Towards the Total CFP Training fees which is Non-Refundable if the Balance Fees is not made within 30 Days from the Date of Admission.
Get In Touch!