Long Term Planning Starts with Small Steps

Long Term Planning Starts with Small Steps

1) Just stick to your new years resolutions

2) That is the most important start

3) Unless you can set a target for a year, you are most likely to swerve into an undesirable direction in life

4) What you will become in a year’s time is perhaps the most important question of your life

5) Setting Milestones is the next important thing

6) Having a checklist is the third most important thing to do

7) Measuring short term actions is most vital

8) Because we have no control over the Outcome and Results

9) However we have 100% control over the actions we take

10) We can ensure we exercise daily (controllable)

11) And if you do the above what do you think are the chances to become healthier & stronger ???

12) Most would believe that things will improve unless there is some exceptional bad luck that comes in the way

13) Therefore one year targets set the tone for the long term

14) Breaking down the long term desires into shorter targets and still closer milestones is the secret to success

15) Otherwise one can dream big and keep dreaming

I rest my case

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