Why you need to transform your time???

Why you need to transform your time???

To change the outcome of your efforts

A simple formula that can change your life and provide you a dream life

The biggest ever secret of time management

1) Time management has been very understated in our professional lives

2) The biggest ever secret of success stems from time management discipline

3) While we all of us have nearly same time but some people are able to manufacture time by leveraging other resources be it people or machinery

4) These are the People who classify their time into A,B,C,D based on the work they need to do

5) We need to understand that we spend 80% of our time in doing just 20% of our work

6) Clearly this 20% work should not be for us to do

7) Successful people delegate and outsource this 20% work and save their 80% time. This is our D Work

8) They won’t waste time verifying small expense statements and fret over it. It is for them Pennywise Pound foolish

9) Delegation, outsourcing & elimination are the most powerful management principles ever which used by the few very successful people and missed out by most others

10) We spend 20% of our time for doing 80% of our work. This is our C Work

11) This work should be monitored by us but not done by us. We should design the process in details as per our vision ans purpose and ensure that it is being followed. This is our

12) Then comes 4% time that controls 64% of our work. This is our B Work

13) This is where you need to be Personally doing like a Business Tie up with another company and structuring such Win Win strategy

14) And finally 1% of our time that contributes nearly 50% of our outcomes is something you need to focus upon the most. This is our A Work

15) This 1% is your ability to imagine, write down your vision, identify your key people and on board them. Making all your upfront investments, taking your chances etc.

16) This 1% creates your magic time

17) Total 4% is enough as far as your personal time investment goes

18) 16% time is controlled by you by designing and setting up your systems & processes

19) And clearly most of the failures stem from the 80% time that we spend doing someone else’s work

20) That is the time that we need to create employment either directly by creating jobs or indirectly by outsourcing

21) The 80% time we save now can get utilized in multiples of 4% in new projects led by your imaginations & vision

22) Thus you can create another 10 projects and still save 40% of your time for personal needs like family time, hobbies, social service, travelling (holidays) etc.

23) Here is an example of enhancing productivity 20 times and still have nearly half your time available to you for living the dreams and desires you may have harbored in your heart

24) Next Level Education through its various programs is on the mission to help you discover your potential to live a better and more fulfilling life by the process of prioritization, automation, delegation & elimination

I rest my case