Yeh Dil Maange More

Yeh Dil Maange More

1) But More creates Shor that makes my Mind go numb

2) We humans love additions than subtraction

3) Subtraction is seen as loss. It reminds us about taxes

4) Addition on the other hand reminds us about growth

5) There’s a biological reason why humans overwhelmingly add rather than subtract

6) And this has to do with food and our hunter-gatherer ancestors

7) For them any opportunity to acquire food was a good thing

8) Addition to the stock meant higher probability of survival

9) As a result, our brains evolved to react positively to addition

10) We grew up believing that more food is more health

11) A fat person is a rich person. It showed the person as well fed and prosperous

12) So till this day we love adding stuff which comes naturally to us

13) This means that even a useless plastic freebie makes our hunter-gatherer brains react in a triumphant way

14) People love collecting stuff they will never use in seminars

15) Quite simply, adding feels good

16) Therefore even as MFDs we first try to add more products and more clients

17) We teach in our MFP classes the Power of Subtraction

18) We teach the science of classifying clients into A, B, C and D

19) We also encourage our members to slowly eliminate some time consuming, peace guzzling clients

20) Likewise product and contribution analysis leads to subtracting products from the portfolio that is on offer for clients

21) There is immense Power in Subtraction because it leads to sharp focus and focus leads to action which leads to results

22) Subtraction also means sharing power with your team and thus subtracting some authority along with responsibility

23) Adding team and not subtracting responsibility is pointless

24) The best Management Strategy is to add team and subtract responsibility

25) To zoom out and look the the business as a single unit, a kind of subtraction

26) We call this working on the business

27) Subtraction works beautifully with Portfolios that need decluttering

28) Addition is Greed and Subtraction is Sacrifice

29) Greed makes you rich but Sacrifice makes you wealthy

30) Greed adds to your profits but Subtraction adds to your Valuation

31) Profits are not sustainable but Valuation is a life time asset

32) Hope this lesson has subtracted the objections or arguments that were being built up in your mind

I rest my case